
Generate Passive Income with a High-Performance MEV Bot – Get Started Today
haroldruffes  03/19/2025     0   0

The world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a dynamic landscape, teeming with opportunities for savvy traders. One such avenue gaining immense traction is MEV (Miner Extractable Value) bot development. If you're looking to capitalize on these opportunities, DAppsFirm offers MEV bot development services at minimal cost and with a quick launch, empowering you to enter this exciting space. Understanding MEV and MEV Bots MEV Bot Development revolves around creating automated trading bots that leverage the concept of Miner Extractable Value. Essentially, MEV represents the profit miners (or validators in Proof-of-Stake systems) can extract by strategically ordering, including, or excluding transactions within a block. Build Your Own MEV Bot t ... 更多

Bybit Clone Script: A White-Label Solution for Customizable, Fast Crypto Exchange Launch
haroldruffes  03/17/2025     0   0

The cryptocurrency market is booming, and the demand for reliable and secure trading platforms is growing at an exponential rate. Bybit, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, is a popular platform for buying, selling, and trading a variety of digital assets. Bybit allows users to trade 20+ cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and more, through derivatives and spot trading. If you're considering launching your own cryptocurrency exchange and are inspired by Bybit's success, then the Bybit clone script could be the perfect solution for you. Let’s dive deeper into the features and benefits of a Bybit clone script and how Dappsfirm can help you get started with minimal cost and a quick launch.  ... 更多

NBA_19  03/09/2025     0   0

  关于蜥蜴人,以前外星人的透露摘要, 1. 它们住在地下,地球内部有很多空洞。 2. 它们分7层等级,最高的龙,是四维的动物。 3. 蜥蜴人能够随意变形,比如以前有人讲,英国女王伊丽莎白是蜥蜴人,还有很多其他蜥蜴人变形,在特定的情形不能保持人形,比如见到闻到人血时。 去年底回国一趟,同学不相信有蜥蜴人,因为没看到看。我回复了,中国的龙,虽然看不见,但是存在于中国上下五千年的历史 ... 更多

NBA_19  03/09/2025     0   1

这个视频是在国内同学群里视频号看来的。居然美国油管没有公开的,只好上传到我自己的频道。 主要他讲了两点: 1. 通胀的原因是因为经济的发展跟不上货币供应的速度。 这一点我是同意的。 美国100年前3千美元就能买一个房子,现在至少要30万 ... 更多

Blockchain Games Clone Script – Cost-Effective & Ready-to-Deploy Solution for Gaming Business Entrepreneurs!
haroldruffes  03/05/2025     0   0

The gaming industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the integration of blockchain technology, leading to the rise of Play-to-Earn (P2E) models that offer players both entertainment and tangible rewards. For entrepreneurs and businesses aiming to enter this dynamic sector, blockchain game clone scripts present an efficient and cost-effective solution. These pre-built software frameworks replicate the functionalities of successful blockchain games, enabling rapid deployment and customization to align with specific business objectives. Understanding Blockchain Game Clone Scripts A blockchain game clone script is a ready-made software solution that emulates the core mechanics and features of an existing blockchain-based game.  ... 更多

NBA_19  02/20/2025     0   0

最近同学群里川普,马斯克曝光频繁,大家都搞不懂他们一系列的神操作。我结合当前外星人的银河系新闻,帮大家解读了一下。 首先,川普只是一个演员,上一届他被做票搞了下去,这一届他公开说上一届他不应该离开。好像他有选择似的。其实他没有 ... 更多

NBA_19  02/14/2025     2   6

买的第一支枪是AK-47。没有经验,申请了持枪证,就到了附近的枪行,枪行推荐的,一千多刀。 后来知道民用不可以连发。打一枪就要重新手动子弹上膛。适合远程重磅打击 ... 更多

NBA_19  02/09/2025     0   0

  首先简单介绍一下银河联邦 (Galatic Federation), 我以前翻译成宇宙联邦,泰格坦人出了中文版视频,https://www.youtube.com/@soniaanantazvaruu3377/videos 她们译成银河联邦。 以泰格坦人为准。 星球大战,是各个种族连横合纵,共同抵御蜥蜴族(reptilian)的生死存亡之战。现在已经取得了对蜥蜴族的科技优势。各个种族的联合,就是银河联邦 ... 更多

NBA_19  02/06/2025     0   0

同学群里写了一大堆外星人的知识, 以及直接线上问答,打开了大家的脑洞。 有同学私信问我,有没有能改变命运的方法。 外星人的有关论述: 1.  你的这一次的投生地球, 是你亿万劫里的一个片段, 宇宙的一个纳秒,非常的短暂而且有局限。这一世直接成佛基本没戏。 2. 在地球这个有限的结构框架里面,你还是有办法改变你的命运 ... 更多

NBA_19  02/02/2025     0   0

首先,外星人认为地球是一个封闭的剧场。这个很容易理解,看看月亮就知道了。 为什么我们只能看到月亮的一面?  月亮的自旋速度必须和绕地球公转的速度精确吻合,才能保持同一面对着地球。加上太空中的太阳风和慧星的干扰,非常难以保持系统几十年如一日的平衡。和造埃及的金字塔一样,现代人类技术远不可能实现 ... 更多
