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The objective evaluation of《New Yorker》 reporter Jiayang Fan
06/11/2022     0   0
The objective evaluation of《New Yorker》 reporter Jiayang Fan
In the United States, there are many famous Chinese English writers, such as Li Yiyun, Ha Jin, Min Anqi, Liu Yukun, Zhang Lijia, etc. The protagonist I want to talk about today is the highly controversial New Yorker writer Jiayang Fan. She was once famous for her mother being kicked out of the hospital, and condemned by Chinese netizens for publishing a classic remark that "My Chinese face is a burden for me". Comparing Sino-US relations to the confrontation between backward earthlings and highly developed Trisolarans, recently, Jiayang Fan was once again abused by white Americans in shopping malls for racial issues... Maybe there are too many controversial points in her so that people know that  ... 更多
03/11/2022     9   66
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH78TXYo4bE 最近,《客观评价习近平》一文大火。不禁让人想到香港的一位官员最近被“双规”了,他去年被拘留了几个月,现在正等待审判。他是云南省的一位中层官员,主要负责城市规划和建设 ... 更多
03/03/2022     2   4
Today I go through an article written by “Ark and Chugoku”, titled “OBJECTIVE EVALUATION OF XI JINPING”. My overall impression is how ridiculous it is. At first, the article is long and seems full of content while after you think about it, you will find it is the typical trick of overseas media to speak ill of China. The article intends to express the negation of Xi JinPing personal abilities, current political and economic devastation of China, without any systematic theoretical analysis and no case study. In addition, this article is flooded with personal insult to Xi JinPing, quite different from its title, and between the lines i ... 更多
03/03/2022     2   5
近日,方舟与中国的一篇四万字的长文《客观评价习近平》在海外热传。如果不是对政治话题特别感兴趣的话,这样的长篇大论足以吓跑一大波习惯快阅读的读者。但是在今(2022)年中共20大的背景下, ... 更多
03/03/2022     2   4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx8kV5d16BQ 今年1月下旬开始海外网站上流传着一篇“方舟与中国”的4万字长文,主要讲习近平执政的种种失败和危机,但对薄熙来和提携他的江泽民大为抬举,并且反习不反共。而略晚发表的另一篇1.7万字的《客观评价薄熙来》,不但极力吹捧薄为党内起义者,更直接言明希望薄熙来复出。两文所搅起的迷局,至今有些明晰了 ... 更多
【独家见解】“方舟与中国”《客观评价习近平》预言石破天惊 他到底是谁?
03/02/2022     1   3
“方舟与中国”在五花八门的商业中文网站《留园网》上的个人频道上发表了20多篇网文,四万字长文是最新一篇,同日发出上一篇是《客观评价薄熙来》 ... 更多

