Please read Part I if you are Chinese.
So far, this thing can cure flu, cold, shingles, sinus infection, itchy eye, ear infection, etc. Basically, any infection, internal or external.
Silver Colloidal has a lot of good review.
How to make it: ( Search for "colloidal silver generator" in and buy one)
怎么制作:(找"colloidal silver generator" in
1. Need distilled water, confirm TDS measurement reading 0ppm.
1. 需要蒸馏水,TDS读数为零。
2. Set up as below, the two silver rods shall never touch each other which would create short circut situation.
2. 如下图所示,两个银棒不可以靠在一起,会短路。
3. After 2-3 hours, TDS shall read between 1-10 ppm. Unplug the power. In between, you may need to take out the rod and wipe clean some dark colored deposits on rod.
3. 2-3小时后,读数计在 1-10 PPM, 停掉电源。过程中间需要把暗黑色的沉淀物擦掉。
4. filter the liquid with coffee filter.
4. 用咖啡过滤纸过滤掉渣子。
5. Store it in a jar, avoid light, close lid to store it. Best consume all in 2 weeks.
5. 存储在罐子里,避光,盖子盖紧。最好2周内喝完。
6. How much to take, it may be different from person to person. I make 27ppm , then mix it to my milk 1:4. For 2-3ppm, I easily drink a cup per day.
6. 喝多少,每个人可能不一样。我2-3PPM的每天一杯没问题。 现在我做到27ppm, 然后1:4 混入牛奶。天天喝。
说明没有副作用。😅 这个要经常喝,才知道得感冒都很难的。