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 23 篇文章   2 关注者   
02/18/2021     2   6
蛮不错的,喜欢这个郭麒麟,不过和宋轶演夫妻不大合适。 他可以出演红楼梦,气质可以演宝玉,就是模样不够清秀。  ... 更多
西班牙:疫苗后 46 位老人去世
02/16/2021     0   1
Forty-six residents of a nursing home who had received their first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s fast-tracked vaccination against COVID-19 at the beginning of January had died by the end of the month, Spanish media have reported.https://t.co/R5SOgjhZ9p — James Perloff (@jamesperloff) February 16, 2021 ... 更多
02/10/2021     3   4
推荐一个电视剧,《国宝奇旅》,讲918后77之前故宫保护文物和一副字画的故事。有刘烨和《琅琊榜 ... 更多

