
JPMorgan's Annual Report
重新来过 - 04/10/21 11:17

Even though Jamie Dimon's rhetoric about voting restriction irritated me, I have to admit that in my opinion, he is the most adorable CEO in the United States. He is far from perfect and seems kind of greedy, which is my take from his $30MM+ annual compensation, his opinions on public policies and challenges the US faces are adequate, thoughtful and unbiased. 

He was crippled by a heart attack when the pandemic hit the US one year ago, which saddened me and deprived me of hope, because he was the last man standing in 2008 and was the only active financier who had gone through the turnmoil in 2008. Fortunately, Powell and Mnuchin learned the lessons from 2008, and did not hesitate to make all efforts to flood the market with liquidity, which saved the US from completely falling apart. 

You can read his thoughts on public policies from the last section of the report.



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fevre - 04/10/21 11:45

30MM+?you mean 30M+?

重新来过 - 04/10/21 11:48

$30MM, I use MM to denote millions

fevre - 04/10/21 11:50


南京梅花 - 04/10/21 12:15

他确实有点儿本事,看经济问题还挺准的,我们有摩根的银行账户,他们跟踪能力也是蛮厉害的,服务也是蛮贴心的. 但是他偏左的,常常会说一些带风向的话:-(

重新来过 - 04/10/21 12:20

He supported the policies of Donald Trump even though he rivaled Trump personally. He is a financier, Wall Street's king, he would lose his own characters if he votes for republicans. 

I have my deposit account with Chase for 15+ years. I have no much complaint but I do not think the service I get is top notched. I have deposit accounts at other banks too. Chase is the worst one from the perspective of services. However, the clumsy services are more regulation related not specific bank related.

南京梅花 - 04/10/21 13:00

可能我们正好相反. 我们可能是运气好或者进岀过于频繁,他们头脑一发热给我们提供了一个专人服务.当然此人可能还服务其他人.  其他银行没有享受过此待遇,

重新来过 - 04/10/21 13:02

Both Charles Schwab and Chase had a junior banker call me and offer specific services. I do not need help in person but I need service of quality.

南京梅花 - 04/10/21 13:06

目前我们对他们的服务还是挺满意的. :-))

南京梅花 - 04/10/21 13:10

其他银行我们have to call 1800 # 有时候得等好长时间,可能我们进出比较频繁,他们认为我们需要一个一打电话就能解决我们问题的人

重新来过 - 04/10/21 13:58

So is Chase. Chase's wait time is unbearable. HSBC did much better when you want to access to a representative.

bjming - 04/10/21 11:55


重新来过 - 04/10/21 11:58

JP Morgan's total capitalization and fortress balance sheet actually somehow justified his compensation. In banking industry, CEOs have to be paid well for others to get well paid, you know what I mean. Otherwise, no one would want to stay at a bank, while they can be paid multiple times of their prevalent compensation on the buy-side.