
Kotalpa - 05/24/22 19:15

 0    9    538
Julyshower - 05/26/22 09:21


thonee - 05/25/22 00:34


松柏的冰凌 - 05/24/22 23:08

Sad for those young children. But why it happened in Texas? Is Texas conservative?

青箐 - 05/24/22 22:10

So sad. There are so many paychos in the world.

lakelavon - 05/24/22 21:07

so sad

Bamboo1993 - 05/24/22 20:39

Very sad😭

Aprilmei - 05/24/22 20:30

More dead now。左派政府的牺牲品。

VATraveler - 05/24/22 19:44

It's so sad!

At around the 2020 presidential election, I heard/read from various sources that once the Democrats took the power, there would be much more gun violence and mass shootings than Trump's.  The conspiracy was that the Lefties would take advantage of these tragedies to advocate gun controls.  Only because of these conspiracy theories, I started reflecting on Trump's 4 years--I was kind of shocked to realize that there indeed weren't many mass shootings in his realm...I don't know what to make out of these obviously increasing mass shootings!

Disclaimer: I've never been a conspiracy believer.  I've never owned a gun but support the gun right.  I condemn gun violence.

NBA_19 - 05/25/22 17:40


坏人在设法推翻 2nd commendment, 美国立国的根基。
