The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) 自 2006 年始一直以来检测各个大学言论自由指标。在 2020 年度报告中提到,471 所大学中, 24.2% 开始实施了至少一项限制言论自由的纪律条款, 将之归入 “红类“。 这是连续 12 年归入红类学校连续增长, 今年, 这个百分比上升至 28.5%。FIRE指出, 大学里引言获罪的案例正在逐年增长。越来越多的学生教师因为言论收到处罚。当前, 许多大学已经超出了以言论对言论的攻击。 大家一定记得 2015 年 U of Missouri 学生Mark Schierbecker 录像 另一学生记者 Tim Tai (ESPN) 被身体攻击。Melissa Click, assistant professor of media 被镜头录到 ”Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? We need some muscle” 。这回闹得实在太丑了, 舆论哗然。 Melissa 被迫道歉, Schierbecker 不接受,说假的。
然后 Smith College 学生示威支持 Missouri 的学生, 但他们自己也上了头条。他们允许记者有条件地采访他们的静坐示威, 条件是记者必须明确表态支持学生的理念。校方站在学生一边, 说这是 学生组织,我们只好遵守学生自己制订的规矩,虽然有违新闻传统。
2017年 类似案例增加更多,知名度影响力更高。几百名UC 伯克利学生 人力 (其实是武力)阻止 同校的共和党学生组织邀请的演讲人Milo Yiannopoulos 进入会场。说还包括了 “150 masked agitators” 混迹其中。他们扔砖头,鞭炮,甚至燃烧物,招致了校园火灾。Yiannopoulos 没能讲成, 而在脸书上写 “The left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down”. 给学校造成的损失粗略估计在 1.4 million。
Middlebury College 学生以类似方法也成功地阻止了 Charles Murray 的演讲。然后 Middlebury 倒是容忍了 former congressman Barney Frank and former New Hampshire governor John Sununu 在校园出席讨论会。 Sununu 评论道: “The reason I think it’s the biggest problem in America is because it’s producing a generation of young people who are on campus and who will be leaving campus who, in my opinion, are being encouraged by a lot of faculty members to feel that the First Amendment is not an appropriate right in this country. To me, none of the other rights work without the First Amendment rights”.
John Ellison,芝加哥大学 Dean of Students 在 2016 年欢迎新生的信里 invoked “the university’s commitment to freedom of inquiry and expression, its disapproval of censorship, its defending of civility, and encouraging students to engage in rigorous discussion and debate – even if it caused discomfort”. “We do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual “safe space” where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at adds with their own”.
芝大校长 Robert Zimmer 同时在华尔街日报发表评论 题为 “free expression and open exchange of ideas”。他说:”Universities cannot be viewed as a sanctuary for comfort but rather as a crucible for confronting ideas and thereby learning to make informed judgements in complex environments. Having one’s assumptions challenged and experiencing the discomfort that sometimes accompanies this process are intrinsic parts of an excellent education”.
芝大学生很多不同意,学生会主席评论说 “It is a step backward in addressing the toxic campus climate”, 说我们 LGBTQT 办公室刚刚做了 safe space training, 刚刚成立了 safe space. 但同时一些大学认同了 “Chicago Principle”。
这时 川普发了 “言论自由行政令“, 拥护言论自由于是又与拥川混为一谈,更是吵得不可开交,理性辩论更是被抛出窗外。
令人吃惊的, 2019, 哈佛大学学生 闹事请愿,在 The Harvard Crimson上要求学校 开除两位 faculty deans and law professor Ronald Sullivan and wife Stephanie Robinson。 因为他们参加了 Harvey Weinstein 的辩护团队。哈佛还真听了学生的, 将两人从Winthrop House 赶出去了, 当然他们是终身教授这个没有办法。 Sullivan on New York times op-ed: “I am willing to believe that some students felt unsafe. But feelings alone should not drive university policy. ACLU批评了哈佛做法。 甚至本书作者都说 “It’s not Harvard’s finest hour”.
罪大恶极的罪犯, 也应该享受有效的辩护, 我想这应该是家喻户晓的, 作为一个公民应有的知识。 It constitutes aspect of American jurisprudence. 辩护律师并不需要同情嫌疑人, 并不需要赞同嫌疑人, 哈佛学生应该明白这个吧?
再近期的就不一一赘述了,总之, 鸡同鸭讲。那也好。这文革一定要闹够了,一定要吃亏吃够了。 走着瞧吧,吃亏的还不是 the useful idiots, BLM 之类。 让我们拭目以待。