
FDA 拒绝批准 covid 疫苗
NBA_19 - 05/01/21 22:13
 0    6    654
NBA_19 - 05/02/21 10:28


百乐门 - 05/02/21 10:07


NBA_19 - 05/02/21 09:48

Covid is just a big flu. There is no need to take vaccine. It has little impact to people below 55.


beauchat - 05/02/21 08:08

I’m in Canada. I called two clinics the other day asking what they could prescribe for covid, either Ivermectin or HCQ, or something else. They said both are banned by the health board for treating covid and it would be malpractice for them to prescribe it. I asked what they could prescribe and they said nothing...only if I was admitted to the ER (at which point it would probably be too late). What complete and utter BS. So, I’m doing my own protocol of tonic, zinc, vit C, D3 and magnesium. So far I’m good.


南半球夜猫 - 05/02/21 05:47


二泉映月 - 05/02/21 06:55
