
重新来过 - 12/28/21 21:19


我和她说:“美国是资本主义,资本家有相当的话语权。 中国从来不说自己是资本主义, 说自己是中国特色的社会主义。 其实就是共产主义。无产可共的时候,利用资本家的扩张欲,把资本和技术吸引过去。 现在有产业了, 要共同富裕了, 资本家显得颇为多余。一般的企业,资本家出资,员工出力,债权人来帮忙,这是基本的结构。 赚到钱,付给员工工资奖金, 给债权人利息再还掉本金,剩下的,就是股东的财富。美国这样的资本主义国家,就算公权力能通过法律诉讼等方式来分一杯羹, 企业的剩余价值就是股东的。 在中国现在根本不是这样。 企业的剩余价值公权力的话语权更大, 随时可能给共同富裕了。 为什么美国人要去投资中国的股票呢?宁可买债卷,也不能买股票啊。”

马克思说资本家剥削。 Elon Musk说权力才能剥削, 资本家就是给员工和顾客打工的。 我觉得Elon Musk说得对。马克思是自己当不上资本家, 所以就要用武力把资本家的所有抢走。

香港国安法以后, 香港股市和上海股市已经没区别。 资本进去了, 不一定还能出得来。 数据进去了, 就别想不留痕迹地出来。 ADR大规模回归香港, 中共政策不变的前提下, 已经是中国私有资本的黄昏末日。 香港股市长年熊市, 中国资本也没有什么特别的理由要舍弃北京上海而追逐香港。 如果我没有看错, 将来香港股市还是长熊短牛,苟延残喘。

文学城大千股坛的加拿大人说中美是一山不容两虎,有一个一定被打击到死, 他当然是赌美国死,所以布局香港股市。 

我的看法, 中美确实有一个一定被打击到长久衰落,但是对股票持有来说,只能赌在美国股市上。 美国赢则股东赢。中国赢股东也是输。


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VATraveler - 12/29/21 10:23

Since the 2020 election, I have hoped to see those "investors" get their tails burnt.  The harder the better because there is no other way to wake up the bloodsuckers who always believe in their own stunt to earn the last coin. 

重新来过 - 12/31/21 12:47

US investors' Exposure to Chinese public equity markets is very limited. Most asset allocators use MSCI as their baseline. Weight of Chinese equities in MSCI World is disproportionately small, despite China is the second largest economy in the world. Even though many investors suffered capital loss, unrealized or realized, in China, the loss may be just a round error on their overall P&L statement.

Direct investment in China, such as the mega factory built out by Tesla in Shanghai, can be significant.  Large US companies, such as Apple or Tesla, are eager to exploit China's infrastructure and very well trained labor force. The elite US companies do not care much about the US, because the US is no longer able to provide what they need. 

I wish they may get Xi's ambition. Xi won't allow them to wield the power "excessive" in his eyes.

Venture investement made outsize returns in China in the past couple of decades. Neil Shen's personal fortune is estimated about $5B. However, it is heard of that Sequoia and Neil Shen may part way.

lovNordstrom - 12/29/21 05:17

大千股坛一堆五毛。还赌美国完蛋。😄 问问他今年买中概没有。有没有吐血到死。😂

云卷云舒 - 12/29/21 09:16


lovNordstrom - 12/29/21 13:40

你是不是河妹妹?long time no see! :)

云卷云舒 - 12/29/21 16:53

抱抱,我经常泡这里和大家聊天的 😜 

重新来过 - 12/29/21 10:31

肯定很多人买了, 吐血吐到肚子里,不让人看出来就是了。


lovNordstrom - 12/29/21 13:41


lakelavon - 12/29/21 17:10
