
二泉映月 - 10/23/23 07:55

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松柏的冰凌 - 10/23/23 13:56


二世 - 10/23/23 13:59

中国就是我以前说的黄河和尼罗河的区别。 中国是黄河模式,维稳维出一条地上河出来。不像尼罗河那样年年泛滥,好像很安全。到了最后无以为继,淹死一半人。

VATraveler - 10/23/23 10:43

One other major impact caused by CCP's "neutral" standing with Hamas in the Mideast conflict is that the Jews in the business world are reflecting on their warm relationship with China over the past decades. The Wall Street Jewish financers and investors, who even in the most intense moments of COVID maintained the bullish views, seem to be changing the course. Finally! The foreign investment will take advantage of the positive market momentum to exit.

二世 - 10/23/23 08:55
