
Honda CRV 和 Accord 车的电池问题
二泉映月 - 01/21/22 07:48

我的新Honda CRV开了半年电池坏了,Dealer给免费换了。又开了3年半,电池又坏了,这次只能自费自己换了。网上查了,Honda CRV 和 Accord 有电路设计问题,电池容易坏。美国已经有2个官司Sue Handa。有这类车的朋友平时得多注意点电池



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lovNordstrom - 01/21/22 23:58

二泉,这个帖很有用。我也碰到同样的问题。我的是acura, 刚开始还好,开了几年之后一直有电池问题,经常停几天不开就莫名其妙没电了。AAA过来jump的时候跟我说,怀疑有circuit在drain电池。我猜AAA的人jump过很多辆acura/honda了。LOL


结果我过去几年不得不经常jump车。我买了AAA membership,竟然一年不到就把roadside assistance次数用光了。

我后来自己去Acura用户的网站上研究,发现很多人有同样问题。他们找到了原因。原因是车里有个handsfreelink, 它在车即使是熄火的情况下也会不断地试图连线(似乎是通过bluetooth)。后来我根据其他用户的建议,把handsfreelink那根线拔了,之后电池再也没有出现过问题。




Acura mechanics received their first Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) about HandsFreeLink battery drain problems in 2005. They were told the system can get “locked up” in an “on” position and that the “system staying on may cause a dead or low battery while the vehicle’s ignition switch is off.” Sounds about right.

Unfortunately the only suggested solution was to replace any units that owners complained about with the same, defective product.

Internal Knowledge of the System's 250mA Draw

A 2008 TSB went a bit further into explaining the problem by saying that the HandsFreeLink control unit has an internal problem, which creates a parasitic current draw of 250mA. That's a big enough drain to empty the battery overnight and make it impossible to start the vehicle without a jump-start.

The Parasitic Drain Lawsuit

Before the release of the second TSB, a lawsuit was filed in California by owners tired of needing multiple jump starts, new batteries, and alternator replacements.

The lawsuit says owners are left with no good options. Either disconnect the system that they paid for, or replace it with another defective $1,000 unit and hope nothing bad happens. Spoiler alert … it will.

The case is moving forward after a round of dismissals

Honda was not impressed with the lawsuit's claims. Unfortunately neither was the judge who dismissed any claims about warranty and consumer protection laws because the plaintiffs waited too long.

The judge did rule that the plaintiffs provided enough evidence to move forward on claims that the automaker concealed possible defects in the Acura cars.

二泉映月 - 01/22/22 07:56


kqq - 01/21/22 18:48


人参花 - 01/21/22 17:33


Ares - 01/21/22 11:12


kqq - 01/21/22 18:47


Ares - 01/21/22 21:09


刚刚处理掉一辆开了接近15年的老车。机械上没有任何毛病。放了张 for sale纸条,一进进星巴克停车场,就被抢走了。如果不是德车货真价实的好质量,没人会抢这么老的一辆旧车。