
二世 - 01/12/22 22:05


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VATraveler - 01/13/22 10:36

He should be hanged!

重新来过 - 01/12/22 23:31

When Collins announced his retirement, he said that it is not good to remain in the same position for too long, which was understood as a caveat of Tony Fauci's downfall.

I think I have confidence in the US and its democracy. It takes time to clean up the messes, but the redemption day will come ultimately.

The redacted part of his emails was made public by republicans in Congress. He and Collins conspired to label lab-leak hypothesis as conspiracy while both of them intuitively suspected the virus was leaked from a Wuhan lab.

二世 - 01/13/22 09:42

他们是为了国际科研界的harmony. 其实就是,官官相护,合伙分钱。这帮人当时可能以为也就象SARS一样,在医疗卫生条件不好的地方死些人,自己在欧美可以看笑话,发爱心,也没想到大家都跑不了,能拖2,3年,全世界死几百万人。结果当时的选择就被人翻出来审判了。

重新来过 - 01/13/22 20:05

No. I think you have never read their emails.

Tony Fauci, as well as a few prominent virologists, discussed the possiblity of the lab leak right after the virus invaded Europe and the US.

Tony Fauci has worked with virus for several decades. I think he knows very well that the US is not up to handle the virus properly. In his deep heart, he might have been convinced that the research projects partially funded by the NIH and allocated by the Econalliance caused the pandemic. Fauci is the chieftain of the institute for virology and infectious disease. Usually, virology does not get much attention, nor does this branch of the medicine get much funding. What is unusual is that Fauci's institution got lots of funding. Moreover, Fauci's argument for his organization to get funding is research in virus is good for the mankind to prevent a pandemic. 

After all, money spent to prevent the pandemic may have caused the pandemic.

Don't you think Fauci absolutely can't live with the people who tried to get their voice about lab leak hypothesis heard?

石头村 - 01/12/22 23:21


四季 - 01/12/22 22:41

是啊。The Hill也在揭露他。